Desk-based Ground Source Energy Systems (GSES) feasibility and aquifer thermal energy modelling studies for large commercial and public buildings such as universities and hospitals throughout the UK are a core part of our business.
Open loop GSES use groundwater for heating and cooling, drawing water from abstraction wells and returning water via injection wells at a warmer or cooler temperature. The constant temperature of groundwater provides significant heat pump efficiency improvements relative to air source units and a major reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuel heating systems. Decarbonisation of the UK heating network is driving strong growth for our services in this area.
Our standard feasibility reports investigate the local geology, hydrogeology, groundwater quality and well yields, and evaluate peak building heating and cooling demand data to determine well drilling requirements and costs based on a GSES concept design/s.
We develop simple, efficient numerical models of the GSES & aquifer system in FeFlow to simulate aquifer thermal energy transport and evaluate sustainable heat extract and rejection rates. This allows us to investigate the potential for thermal and hydraulic impacts on third party groundwater users. Validation of our modelling methods using operational flow and temperature data from several of the GSE systems we have designed and installed from 2005 onwards sets us apart from our competitors in the field and gives us the confidence to avoid expensive over-design or excessively precautious advice.