We regularly undertake groundwater source investigations and water supply studies for a range of clients across New Zealand. These typically involve developing an understanding of the aquifer system at the site, and characterising the key geological and hydrological parameters of the area. This then allows us to undertake robust technical analysis based on the site and the requirements of the investigation, which are often included in subsequent consent applications or feasibility assessments. Routinely, a conceptual model is developed, which aids any analysis or numerical modelling that might be required. Drinking water security against microbiological or geochemical contamination that encompasses hydrology and subsurface contaminant transport is also a frequent focus. Test pumping programmes and fieldwork investigations are usually included that support our desk-based assessments. This leads to some scenic office views!
Examples of our groundwater source and supply investigation projects include the Cromwell bore field for Central Otago District Council, spring water supply analysis for the Otago Peninsula Eco Restoration Alliance, and groundwater exploration for a secure water supply at Ranfurly, Māniatoto.
We also undertake more regulatory focused assessments of existing water supplies drawn from groundwater. Here the focus is on satisfying the regulator as to the sustainability of continued or expanded groundwater abstraction. Applications of such assessments may include irrigation bores for pasture or horticultural requirements, site dewatering, or whole aquifer systems. In this context we have been active in Central Canterbury, Central Otago, Tasman District, Wanganui and the Hawkes Bay in recent years.